My goal has always been to make Top Originator Underground a community of like minded originators dedicated to success !
So I hope you will take just a few minutes- literally— to answer 2 quick questions
Has your production picked up?
Why- or Why Not?
then check back to see the responses….
I will start it off
Brian Sacks
My personal production has picked up significantly-
5 loan apps so far this week for 1.9 million
I have been diligent about providing value to my agents and speaking with all of them
We all know that OUT OF SIGHT - OUT OF MIND phrase but it is really true
It's a big mistake to just text- or email- or send them a video
THE KEY IS INTERACTION and talking!!! person to person
My son got engaged last week and that has been a topic of conversation since its all over facebook
but you must always keep in mind a few important things
Emails don't allow for most of that- and this is ASS-U-MING it got by the spam filters and read
THe other thing I have been doing is my unique style of homebuyer workshops and simulated live replays
the agents are LOVING it and they are generating new leads - which again forces me to call the agents I am doing them with!!!
OK- your turn!
Yes I will be closing $1M this month. I feel that meeting realtors face to face is the key and trying to get in front of as many real estate offices to share and educate them about the different programs that we offer is important. Also being proactive and very responsive to anyone looking for their pre-approvals even on the weekends!