Here’s an interesting question…
What do Real Estate Agents REALLY want?
Mike and I did a mini workshop last week and one of the questions that was asked was “What to say to agents you meet at an event or an open house … you crash!?”
Yes- we all know you have great rates and give good service and are available 24 /7
I have found agents really want 3 things-
THEY WANT TO SELL MORE HOMES …. always keep this in mind and always try to think of programs or strategies you can help them use to sell more homes..
Please read that again— THEY WANT TO SELL MORE HOMES..and you need to figure out how to help them do exactly that… and show them programs and products that help them sell more homesThey need to know that they can TRUST YOU and that you will do a good job
One COOL way to do this and to get a testimonial from agents you currently work with …. and compile them into a handout you give to new agents
Use your agents PHOTO — and company name and WHY they use you and why their PEERS should too..They need to like YOU !!!! If you are annoying- offensive- too persistent-
than they MAY not want to be around you …. NEVER EVER let them see you as a BEGGAR…..
Think about what happens when you are out for the evening- You are enjoying yourself and maybe with some friends or family or spouse.
A BEGGAR comes up to you with their cardboard sign and just keeps following you around with their handout begging for money. They just don’t stop..
That’s how many agents feel when they are swarmed at open houses… or other events — or even Monday mornings when they get a barrage of phone calls.
ASK- — ask them what they feel they may need to sell more homes..
DON”T JUST VOMIT A SCRIPT ON THEM…. or tell them about your great service and rates
As an example- many agents call FSBO’s and expired listings— So for my very top core of agents I provide them with a list each morning - that has the sellers contact information on it and other info they need to make the call..
SEE THAT???? I am helping them do what they want to do ….sell more homes!!
I know this is probably mind shift from you were taught and actually do— but it does work.. and you really need to keep these things in mind…
You are going to be marketing to a NEW FRIEND and partner—
TREAT IT THAT WAY!!!!Dedicated To Increasing YOUR Production
Brian Sacks
BTW- This months top originator underground strategy of the month was another way to meet new agents and help an agent you already work with sell more homes…