You work hard to meet an agent-
You both seem to like each other but you have been ghosted in the past by other agents
It’s awkward- after you meet and things went well …. NOW WHAT?
Either they will start sending you clients to qualify - or time will pass by and they just forget who you are. WEIRD but thats what happens isn’t it?
I offer to do a homebuyer workshop with them - let’s actually get it on the books at this meeting.
Here’s what I say
I have a program that would allow us to do a workshop together to generate new buyers for both of us
We would do it live the first time and then I have a special process for allowing it to play on autopilot but the attendees feel like its live… That’s important because people show up to live events but don’t typically always watch recordings.
I will provide the slides and a recording of one I just did with ( one of her local competing agents I work with) so that way you are comfortable
I will set everything up and all you have to do is promote it to your buyers prospects and referral list…
THe beauty of this is several things..
1. We only have to do it once- and then it works for us
2. The buyers we get will already know like and trust us since we did a workshop and showed them our expertise
3. Every week I will call you and send you over the new leads…
This gives you a reason to call this agent that is NOT awkward and actually starts building the partnership with them..
If you want to see how we do this step by step on a live workshop where you can ask your questions and do the exercises with me click here
On this workshop I will show you the process and walkthru each step
If you can’t make it live don’t worry- I will give you the recordings but I will also give you the slides and recordings of a sample workshop so you can do this too…
Especially now that it seems buyers will be coming out again in mass!
Grab your seat here
Dedicated To Increasing Your Production
Brian Sacks
BTW- I was only able to get 50 spots for this workshop but am speaking to the hosting company to see if we can double that based on the responses we have been getting.