Usually I do a mindset tip on MOndays but I had my own little pity party so I thought I woudl share.
YES- even I don’t always have prefect days LOL !!!
So here I was having my pity party about business being slower than I woudl like
I had a decent Sept with 9 closings for about 2.4 million..
But All I hear right now is doom and gloom..
Truth is business sucks for many and it’s very easy to be down !!!
SO take a few minutes and listen to this— I just did which is why I wanted to share…
or you can just go on YouTube and google Earl Nightingale the Strangest Secret
Focus on good and it will turn out good
Focus on the negative- and it will turn out bad-
SIMPLE RIGHT? But easier said than done…
So try listening to this in the morning and evening..
What’s bad
Not many homes for sale
Not many buyers searching
Rates are high so no refis
General feeling of doom and gloom..
BTW- agents and originators are having the same issues together..
What’s good???
There are still homes being sold
There are still couples going thru a divorce who need to do a buyout
There are Americans with debt and lots of equity they can use to restructure
People are still being relocated for work
People are still dying or going into facilities..
See that slight MENTAL TWIST you need to make- like a pivot…
Keep your head high and PUSH THRU THIS— this too shall end and we will be busy
again.. !!!
What you say to yourself matter - How you view life and business matters
I used to tell my daughter who is now 30 — when she had an issue—
”Put on your big girl panties and get it resolved”
I still say that to her..
Listen to Earl Nightingale the Strangest Secret— and leave your thoughts and comments below- let’s get the conversation started
this is the time we need each other the most
Dedicated To Increasing Your Production
Brian Sacks
IF you are a new subcriber - here are some systems that can help
Cracking The Agent Code
THis is literally tool - trick -strategy I know that I shared over 2 days
with a select group of top originators …
How to win them — and keep them — and the tools to implement
everything in the trainings..
THis is a great tool to offer new agent partners once you have met them
that will BOND them to you — and help you both generate new deals
and prospects weekly..
You do the first workshop live - and then use a special software
To make it “feel” live each week-
The agent promotes it and you both win!!!
This is the HOOK that attracts agents like flies to ( you know that one right?>)
You can the full training - copies of 3 different slide decks and the recordings of those sessions
How To Get 50 New Agents In The Next 30 Days
Imagine getting in front of 50 new agents in the next 30 days
without cold calling- without begging- without offering to pay for anything
There are not 1 but 2 different ways to accomplish this and after the meeting-
The agents will actually hand you their cards and ask for a meeting..
Seriously — listen to the Strangest Secret and leave your thoughts below