Persuasion- The Hidden Lever To Success
What they see about YOU before they speak with you is critical
Persuasion is a key to your success in your business and personal life!
You can have the best script and work harder than your competition
You can have the best rates and give the best service
You can even have better programs than everyone else
I found out decades into my career that what really matters is knowing what people want and how they make buying decisions..
HOW YOU ARRIVE is also critical..?
That may sound confusing so let me tell you more…
There are a number of levers that allow you to MANIPULATE people
and I mean that in a very positive way… not for bad but for good
COMMITMENT—- Sneaky trick - after each session with a buyer I ask them if this was valuable .? This anchors in their mind subconsiously my value
SCARCITY - your job is to make sure there is more demand for you than you have time for
SOCIAL PROOF =what do others say about you — I send out testimonials in welcome packages and on social media etc… you can check mine on zillow
Do they see you as an expert who can help them or as just a commodity- like a head of lettuce?
Do they see your value
Do they feel honored to work with you ?
THis one sounds strange but if you can make yourself a celebrity on your market you can do this too.. in fact here’s what I did just a few days ago and already have agents passing it around to their spheres of influence and lists to drum up business
This is the authority piece of the puzzle and its actually much easier to do than you might think…also helps you come up in the rankings at GOOGLE
You can also get authority with agents and buyers with workshops..
If you are interested in learning more about Persuasion here is a book I constantly refer to that might help you too
This one is all about HOW you show up and what needs to happen BEFORE You Meet
you might like this book too
This lists the laws I mentioned above!
Dedicated To Increasing YOUR Production
Brian Sacks
PS- I believe that once you know the ins and outs of persuasion you actually have an UNFAIR EDGE on your competition
But you also will find the rest of your business life and your personal life changing for the better QUICKLY..
If you recall - I have taken all of my courses off the market- I LOVE working with loan officers to help them grow their business with the same proven techniques I use
and I have decided to do this in small groups — and be there to help make sure you implement it… so you see success
Selling a course helps but if you are being honest a small group is much more effective for you to acheive YOUR GOALS…
If you want to dive deep into persuasion and how to apply it in the mortgage business with real life examples you wil be able to copy and use please let me know
I will put you on a NOTIFICATION LIST for my upcoming workshop
No commitment needed and the workshop will be one of the best values you have seen.
send an email to subject line: PERSUASION