Parrots and LoanOfficers- Part 6 - Myth# 5 - Your Income Depends on the Economy and Rates
Hope you don't really believe that
Today in myth # 5 I am going to discuss the idea that the business has ups and downs. Good years and bad years and that our incomes are dependent on what rates do and what the economy does.
I truly used to believe that- but during the last meltdown I realized that it was just a myth. If you remember from my earlier posts I told you that I started in the business when rates were at 18% ( not a misprint) and I did just fine as did many others.
Here’s a HARSH truth-
You can either make excuses or you can make money. Yes, the excuses are easier but the money is much sweeter. So let’s dive in a bit ok.
There are people who have to move or relocate
There are people who are up in age and may need a reverse
There are people who can’t move but want to do renovations
There are people who need to borrow on their home to start a business or just to avoid a temporary cash flow issue.
There are newlyweds wanting their first home.
There are INVESTORS wanting to take advantage of the economic situation
There are people who would benefit from their value going up and switching to a conventional loan from FHA or Convetional and reducing the term
People going thru a divorce- who have to refinance by court order to take one spouse off - and generally the other spouse may be looking to buy as well.
Did you get some ideas from the list above. See our job - yours and mine is to get our market share of the business regardless of what’s happening. I try to do 20 loans a month regardless… I have done that with rates at 12 and at 8 and at 3.
That’s what YOUR focus needs to be - getting YOUR SHARE of the market!!!
Btw- Realtors and builders still sold homes at 18 and at 12 and at 10 and 8 and now at 3
If you missed any of the past articles in this series you can check them out here
MYTH # 1- To Succeed You Must Be Available 24/7/365
Myth # 2- You Must Have The Best Rates Or Rocket or Some other competitor will clean your clock.
MYTH # 3- You need to go out and meet people and “beg” - call it what you want- for business …. let everyone know who you are and what you do.
MYTH # 4- You Need to make sure that you have a budget so you can co-market with agents and also pay a desk fee to be in the house guy/lady.
MYTH # 5- Your income will depend on what the real-estate market and rates and the economy are doing. So you will need to budget for good years and bad years and good months and bad month
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Brian Sacks
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