This is true personally and professionally
YOU GET WHAT YOU ACCEPT…. these are really important words to live by for your life both professionally and in business.
The truth is that it comes down to respecting yourself.
Knowing your real value and worth.
You do not have to be available 24/7/365- In fact doing so makes you more of a commodity than a trusted professional.
Let everyone know the hours you are available and stick to them. You might be surprised that there is actually an increase in your business
I had a client just this past week who was referrred to me and the only time she could speak she said was Saturday morning at 8 am…..
SO I asked her a question..
If you had a major accident and needed to see your attorney- would you take an hour off of work?|
If you needed to go to the dentist - would you take an hour off.
If you needed to see your accountant about a tax issue- would you take off work?|
If you need to get new tags or a drivers license— would you take off work.
Than how is getting a mortgage for the largest transaction in your lifetime any less important…????You don’’t have to instantly return phone calls.
You should return them in a reasonable time frame… but when you instantly return the call it also makes you look and appear as a commodity.
Successful people are busy-
Non Successful people are always available.You DONT have to work with agents you don’t like..
Buctlyt you do have to find and build relationships with once you do like — as a partner.. not as a beggarYou don’t have to work with clients you don’t like either.
I once had a client tell me exactly how to do business and what I need to do and when I needed to do it.
He was a 7 figure physician with a large staff - who was used to telling people what to do…
His loan had gotten rejected at 3 other companies.. and I was his last option
Sir- Let’s understand our relationship…. I am lending YOU money.
SO I set the rules and tell YOU what I need and WHEN I need it by.
If YOU are lending ME money- you get to tell me what to do.
If this doesn’t work for you … I understand and wish you good luck with your transaction!He actually did exactly what I told him to do and is now a happy owner..
RESPECT YOURSELF AS A PROFESSIONAL….If you aren’t “feeling” it than you have a marketing and positiong problem!!!
which you defitnitely need to fix..
You have probably heard me say- that our job as originators is to create more demand for our services than we could possibly have time for ….
The truth is of course — you may lose some clients- But then think if you ever really had them..
You know the ones you speak to early in the day or late in the evening who need you right away— often are the ones who also shop you to death and may not even use you in the end…
SO — SET PARAMETERS AND BOUNDARIES— AND LET EVERYONE KNOW WHAT THEY ARE…. those that are “married” to you will work within them and respect you and RESPECT THE FACT THAT YOU RESPECT YOURSELF~!!!Dedicated To Increasing YOUR Production
Brian SacksWoudl love to know your thoughts