Loan Officer Nightmare or Miracle
Let's imagine you are sitting at your desk and just wondering what to do next to drum up some business.
Your budget is minus zero and the few courses you have bought from the experts aren't working out. Neither are the scripts.
You can't visit offices to meet agents
You can't call them because they won't respond
You can't put ads out there or buy FB or google ads since you have no budget
You have a desparate need to build relationships and close loans.
This is exactly where I was - not once - but 3 times
Started with zero- was successful- left the business -came back-
Left again ( thinking it was for good) and came back to start all over.
Maybe you can relate to that but that has been my trackrecord for the past 35 years in the industry- starting from scratch 3 times.. with no budget
What I learned is that you CAN be successful but you have to switch the script from you chasing business to you attracting it.
Seems minor- maybe even cheezy - but it's a HUGE switch
and many of the methods you can use to ATTRACT rather than chase cost zero to implement and are much more effective.
In my latest post in the Underground for paid members I provided a step by step
method for immediately getting a new referral relationship in place, getting citywide exposure and creating long lasting instant credibility.
Check it out here
Dedicated To Increasing Your Production
Brian Sacks