If you need more agent relationships in 2024 do this- Jan is the best time to do it~
Yesterday I spoke to a loan officer who is stuggling and thinking of leaving the business.
I asked her what she was doing to generate business and why she would think of leaving right when we are about to finally have a great year..
HONESTLY- I totally understand her need to make some relationships and income NOW..!!!
She is calling agents every week and told me that this has not been working out well.
She is attending happy hours and holiday parties.
She is marketing to her spehere of influence and hoping for some refi’s.
She is marketing to builders but they have their own mortgage companies.
But she is now out of time and out of money… and if there is no light at the end of the tunnel she will be looking for a salaried job—- not in our industry right now right?
I used to think that working hard was the solution too… Just work till it happens..!!! and most of the guru’s encourage this too.. In fact thats where she learned most o these bad habits.
You are handed a slide deck and you have watched a video of the presentation on the slide deck 3 times. You know the programs- and you are comfortable with the material.
You contact your board of realtors or you have your own event that you sponsor with a title company. The room is full of 50 agents who are anxious to hear your presentation
( we know these as NON QM)
A Presentation on persuasion tactics agents can use
ALternative programs for investors..
There are others as well..
You do your presentation and now have the names of 50 agents who you can add to your database and follow up with.
On the way out after the event agents come up to you and ask you questions and hand you their cards and ask if you can call them.
You can now tie 3 new pre approvals /loans directly to this event and 50 new agents you can now communicate with who WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU !!! and build a relationship with.
THAT’S THE SMART WAY TO GROW YOUR PRODUCTION… and you can and should be doing this each and every month with new partners and boards of realtors.
This is ATTRACTION — NOT BEGGING … and they already see you as someone they know like and trust and knows what they are doing.
I do this and if you think this would help you then you can too. Everything you need including the slide decks- recordings and marketing materials are all here…
NOW- You meet the agents- from these events-
You need something to provide them that will IMMEDIATELY Build a relationship with them and show them that you are a true partner - not a beggar.. and can bring value.
I use homebuyer workshops-
They are done live once- then recorded - and played in a special system i found so they appear live…
Defintiely something you should consider- and if you don’t want to do it with an agent - do it directly to the consumer — everyhting you need including a training on the whole system is here
THERE ARE SOME BIG CHANGES COMING TO TopOrignatorUnderground in 2024 and I am SURE you will like them— and I DO MEAN BIG CHANGES ….
Maybe shocking to some !!! STAY TUNED likely to be announced in the next few weeks.
Happy Holidays and wishes to you and your family for a great 2023
Brian Sacks
BTW- if you missed the How To Make 2024 YOUR Best Year Ever and all of the bonuses you can still grab them until 12/30 at midnight
The bonuses alone will ensure you have a great year..!