Before you go off and get upset let me explain.
THis is not an insult but rather a lesson for you. Actually a few so let's get started.
First lesson- The purpose of your headline , whether in e-mail or in print is to get
Second lesson- This is the more important one so pay attention ok? The question really is
Every morning I try to focus on what the day will look like and what will be achieved. Sort of like a movie playing in my head.
I think about all of the obstacles I will be faced with and how I will deal with them. If it is a client asking about rates and fees than rehearse your script and response. If it's a processor with an "emergency' or a problem at the closing table or an underwriter with a ton of conditions... whatever.
Think about the situation in advance and how you will deal with it.
KEEPING YOUR END GOAL IN MIND. So if your goal this month is to close 5 loans and generate 20,000 than that's what you need to keep in perspective and act as if you are already achieving it.
BOTTOM LINE: You need a physical breakfast but you also need a mental one. Much of our business is really much more a mental game than anything else.
Dedicated To Increasing Your Commissions,
Brian Sacks
BTW- If you are looking to unlock the Agent Code and get new agents sending you business and make your current agents loyal and unapproachable you should grab one of the remaining seats for the FEB 16th Cracking The Agent Code Workshop
I am pulling back the curtain on what I have learned over the past 37 years and continue to implement today
PS- Do you your agents doing homebuyer workshops with other originators
Have any of them asked you to do one together?
Homebuyer workshops are a great tool to build and solidfy agent relationships
Here’s a workshop on Workshops you can watch - that goes thru the entire 15 step Process you can use to MAKE SURE it’s a success