Agents Are Mars- Lenders Are From Venus- About March 16
From the beginning of time men have been trying to figure out women and women have been trying to figure out men.
This June I will be married for 34 years and we truly still have not figured each other out totally just yet.
It's exactly the same relationship between Agents and Lenders.
They constantly bitchaboutus and vice versa. I have had originators tell me they would rather have a root canal without anesthesia than work with agents.
But what if you could work with ONLY they ones you wanted
Without needing to beg or pay for their marketing or make 50 frustrating phone calls every Monday or visting open houses uninvited on the weekends.
The good news is you can - and I will show you exactly how on the upcoming
Cracking The Agent Code workshop.
I did this workshop with a small group a little while ago and many have shared their awsome results so I hope you will join us!
The truth is YOU CAN make agents loyal
You don't need to beg
You don't need to pay to play
You don't need to cold call -- they will call you
You can MAKE them loyal to only you
and maybe the best news of all is that You don't really need as many as you might think-
10-12 agents could produce a great six figure income
BUT- You do need to have a way to attract ( not chase) them and bring value without
just stroking a check !
If you realize in this market especially that AGENTS MUST be part of your plan but you just don't know how to get them... I will see you on the workshop
If you are one of the original small group that have access to Cracking The Agent Code- go ahead and send in your success story and if you are stuck now is a great time to schedule your one on one with me!
PS- jump on this so you are assured a great spring market